Reframing Side Plank – 60 Minutes
let's be real: Vasisthasana (pronounced Vah-steesh-stah-san-ah) -- or Side Plank -- is few people's favorite pose, but it's a valuable tool for strengthening your lateral lines. this one asks you to
let's be real: Vasisthasana (pronounced Vah-steesh-stah-san-ah) -- or Side Plank -- is few people's favorite pose, but it's a valuable tool for strengthening your lateral lines. this one asks you to
full-body opening with a focus on efforting less and receiving more. good especially for all of us "more-is-more" people!
this one breaks down ujjayi breath -- the pranayama we use for vinyasa and asana practice. it starts slow so you get the gist of it, then we get into
this one starts with active range of motion hip opening on the floor, works up to a strong standing flow, then back for more hip opening action.
this one's a steady flow with a heaping side of shoulder openers
twists to wring out and revitalize, balance poses to steady and calm. perfect.
there's more than one way to get with the flow
your shoulders rock! sure, they have been through some stuff
whether you call it reverse flow, breakfast-for-dinner or pizza-for-breakfast, a Savasana to child's pose practice is perfect for a recovery day