Feel Good Twists + Sidebends … 30 Minutes
yep, you know your yoga teacher LOVES twists and sidebands. and honestly, if you're not practicing yoga you're probably not getting a lot of them in your day
yep, you know your yoga teacher LOVES twists and sidebands. and honestly, if you're not practicing yoga you're probably not getting a lot of them in your day
our NYD 108 is just three weeks away. get your asana ready with these training sessions that will build your base of endurance and focus. this episode features 27 salutations separated
balance practice comes in a wide array of forms: balancing your breathing, balancing the movements of your spine, balancing strength and flexibility, balancing on two feet as you move your
yeah, there are some unusual suspects in here
yeah, there are some unusual suspects in here
grab a block and get on down to your mat. we're about to shift your energy. key practices include: hips on a block, hands-free vinyasa for about 30 minutes, steadily flowing
get your flow going, but take it easy on your upper body. there are a few vinyasa series in this one, but we warm up to it
nothing fancy, nothing dramatic. this one’s powerful because it keeps you focused on the moment. we really dial into the rhythm of vinyasa…by, you guessed it, focusing on the breath. and
this one starts slow, stays slow, and gets the job done. key practices include: twists, sidebands, gentle salutations and lunges, eagle variations, kneeling hip openers, reclined back bends, and physiological sighs.
welcome to our December deep dive: peace. this month, the flow will be focused, balances will be simple and long-held, and restorative postures are being served for dessert. enjoy!