Full Body Mobility Flow … 30 Minutes
honestly, this is one of those "all you need" kind of practices. pardon the references to the limbo + barbed wire. key practices include: gliding flow, lunges, step-over side plank, squats, 90/90
honestly, this is one of those "all you need" kind of practices. pardon the references to the limbo + barbed wire. key practices include: gliding flow, lunges, step-over side plank, squats, 90/90
whatever body you've shown up with is the exact body you need for this practice. go ahead
it's the most wonderful time of the year
yep. it's our semi-annual deep dive into revolved triangle to get you nicely wrung out. and, of course, this is a not-so-traditional take on the pose. not just to be contrarian
this is a straight up mobility salutations flow. we keep it pretty straightforward
lots and lots and lots of good stuff in here, y'all. enjoy! a very happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. Benders
throwing this out there for everyone who's having the extra slice of pie, glass (bottle) of wine, or dose family drama this week. not because you gotta burn it off
back strength is something we can all use a little more of
need to get your body back to good after a long sit on an airplane, in a car, or at your desk. side bends, twists, and hip openers to the
from your feet to your forehead, we've got tension relief covered in this one. key practices include: guided Savasana, hip mobilizers, neck and shoulder openers, twists, forward folds galore, and seated