The Magic of Balance … 30 Minutes
what's the magic of standing on one leg: increased focus, stronger core muscles, and insight into your energetic + emotional life. intrigued? or just want a solid FLOW class
what's the magic of standing on one leg: increased focus, stronger core muscles, and insight into your energetic + emotional life. intrigued? or just want a solid FLOW class
what's a rubber band got to do with Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)? everything. choose this full-length flow anytime you want to explore the outer limits of your range of motion,
a focus on Ardha Chandrasana challenges body and mind
Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) is one of our most common requests. In this episode, we explore how to engage and mobilize the hip flexors -- particularly the psoas -- in this
Ardha Hanumanasana (Half Monkey God Pose) was the muse for this practice
this one starts with relaxation and hip opening, uses Sphinx pose to ease the challenge to wrists and hands, then glides through standing postures to create a sense of flow
why is Sphinx so popular with three dog benders? find out in this core-strengthening flow. in this episode, we play with the crowd favorite as our backbend of choice in the
Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle) is a strong pose that engages body and mind in active hip opening. Dive into this practice when you want a strong flow, focused mind, and mobile
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) is great for many reasons
this one's a full-body flow focused on relieving tension in the spaces where we hold mental tension: the face, jaw, neck and shoulders. keep it queued up for when you need