Balance, Twists, and Hip Openers – 30 Minutes
if you've got thirty minutes, we've got a Twisting Pigeon series that'll work your core, get your hips mobilized, and get you some solid breathing space. sounds good, right?
if you've got thirty minutes, we've got a Twisting Pigeon series that'll work your core, get your hips mobilized, and get you some solid breathing space. sounds good, right?
ooooh, this one feels good. it's a short, sweet flow to get you to all the active range of hip opening available in deep squats, 90-90 sits, and relaxed animal
if you're feeling tight, tense, or just grumpy it's time for a little uncorking
keeping it simple is good any day, particularly when life gets heavy or complex. in this short flow, we cover the usual vinyasas, followed by seated and reclined stretches.
this one's a tall glass of water
this one's all about making your body a happy place to live. we start with setting intention to balance out whatever needs balancing and then work through a shoulder opening
feeling some mental fatigue? just want to think more clearly? this one's for you. it starts with Supta Baddha Konasana and moves backwards into vinyasa
Need a mental break? Let's get physical. Move with your breath, focus on its quality
In this one we mobilize arms, upper back, neck and shoulders to leave you feeling open and energized. Joining us via podcast is a smart move on this one