podcast: 60 minutes of VARIATIONS
it's always a good time to try new things. this 60-minute class presents alignment options to keep your practice working in-the-moment. recorded in our 6:30am class Wednesday, January 25, 2017. more
it's always a good time to try new things. this 60-minute class presents alignment options to keep your practice working in-the-moment. recorded in our 6:30am class Wednesday, January 25, 2017. more
a healthy dose of side bends and twists to wring you out and set you right. recorded in our 5:45pm POWER class Monday, January 23, 2017. more podcasts coming soon!
our bright and squirrelly 6:30am bender that sticks to the basics and gets the job done. recorded in class Monday, January 16 2017. more podcasts coming soon!
a quick taste of the three dog yoga standing series
a quick taste of the three dog yoga floor series. great if you need to move your body through a gentle sequence. only one chaturanga! more podcasts coming soon, including a
here's a quick peek at our teacher training dates for 2017. ready to make the commitment? we are ready for you! since 2012, we have been a Registered Yoga School offered
Check the schedule, manage your account, sign in for class and much more
got 25 minutes? you can get your yoga on. this practice focuses on our VINYASA sequence
it's that time of year: time for a clean slate. for body, heart and mind. "how does that work?" you ask. simple. you get committed. "to what?" you ask. to your self. we have a plan.
it's the most wonderful time of the year. no, really