what does moving your body have to do with cultivating an attitude of gratitude? a whole lot. when you take the time and thoughtfulness to move yourself through a yoga practice,
yeah, you'll work hard. but you'll also feel really darn good. key practices include: strong flow and standing postures, balance, backbends, and hip openers.
this one's for when you want to let it all go and just move
this is a pretty straight down broadway morning flow, with an extra focus on moving well to support a healthy low back. be good to yourself, breathe, and enjoy the
welcome to your somatic experience of life right here, right now in your body. we'll breathe, we'll move, you'll feel better. key postures include: hips on block, wild deer flow, hip
this is your all-purpose practice: move your spine, open your shoulders + hips, refine your balance, get present, breathe, and
this is one for when you need that reminder that you're in control of your inner environment. take a few breaths, move your body, let your mind focus on the
the one posture you're sure to practice in every yoga class with us is Savasana