a short practice can be a complete practice. if you need to fit in a little time out of mind and want to get a full body mobility session in,
ok, so the human body is already good at taking care of itself, so we don't really need to detox
lots of good stuff here, including visualization, tapping, hip + shoulder opening
oh yeah. your hips, spine and shoulders are gonna love this one. key practices include: lunges with rotation, salutations, revolved side plank, standing ankle to knee, camel, deer, table, and floor
lots of sneaky abdominal and posture work in this one. plus a nice long cooldown. key practices include: refining your plank, sun salutations, triangle series, step-over side planks, backbends, abs, floor
when you need to ease tension in your hips, low back, hamstrings, and calves, drop into this meditative flow. you'll get what you need. plus, some meditation on the side. props
this is one of those slow down to get there faster kind of classes. you'll focus on bringing yourself into the here and now
want to change your mood fast