Move, Breathe, Feel Better – 30 Minutes
start with simple flow, that builds to a standing sequence to develop stamina and ease in transitions.
start with simple flow, that builds to a standing sequence to develop stamina and ease in transitions.
simple flows to get you moving, breathing, and energized for your day
this one focuses on releasing hamstrings, side body, and upper back/neck. it also features our studio mascot, Gibson, singing the song of his people in the background.
bring yourself into balance, even when things are going sideways by focusing in on different ways of getting into half moon pose through the work of the core body.
all the usual standing poses, linked breath-by-breath in a strong flow to get you going. perfect for channeling excess energy or transforming sluggishness into movement
a focused savasana-to-child's pose flow to reign the mind in and free up space in the body. want to get more yoga into your life? we'd love to see you in
in this episode we focus on strengthening the back body and opening the front body
a steady, rhythmic flow focused on side bends to free up the rib cage and get more space for breath. emjoy!
what is a DEEP DIVE? it's a flow class where we zoom in on the basics. in other words, we take one asana and look at it through a particular lens