Cleansing Flow: Abs, Side Body, and Hip Openers … 60 Minutes
ready to shake off the blahs and reinvigorate yourself (and your Self)? this is your practice.
ready to shake off the blahs and reinvigorate yourself (and your Self)? this is your practice.
this one's great for Daylight Savings week, when our bodies are adapting to the time change
sometimes the strongest thing you can be is gentle. this is practice for those times. you'll get a great workout in, and focus on remaining calm and at ease in the
this one's taped live in our JAM class. we bring it to you here without the music (copyrights are real)
this one is great for unwinding mental tension, headaches, jaw tightness, shoulder stiffness, and overall uptightness. keep it in your rotation.
this one will get your asana and your energy moving
this one starts slow, gains momentum and takes you through all the ranges of motion your body needs. there's a particular focus on lengthening through the front and side bodies
strong flow with twists and side bends. balance flow and backbends. ab series. clamshells! hip openers. rest. rinse and repeat.
this one starts on the mild side with supported inversions and chest openers, then gets spicier with a springy little flow series designed to lighten your step and leave you
chakra what? no worries, we haven't gone all woo-woo