FLOW 30: Planks for Healthy Posture
love them or love to get them over with, planks are an essential component of vinyasa practice
love them or love to get them over with, planks are an essential component of vinyasa practice
both Bridge (Setu Bandhasana) and Wheel (Urdhva Dhanurasana) are excellent strength + mobility practices
Ardha Utttanasana may be the most important pose we do for back health: it strengthens the back and helps us activate our core for planks, chaturangas, and forward folds
grab two blocks and take a quick little deep dive with us into one of our favorite restoratives: Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose).
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) is one of the most common postures you'll meet in vinyasa yoga. it's an asana that you can refine for a lifetime
in this episode, we dig deeply into child's pose (in the context of an all-purpose vinyasa class -- you will move, too!). it's our hope to help you find the alignment
core strength may not be everything,but it helps. more to the point, working from your core translates into better movement patterns, breathing, and self-awareness. this 30 minute flow will get you
when you really want to feel good (or warm up for a workout, reset from a day at work, etc) take a few to mobilize your hips, shoulders, and spine
this one's a non-stop - but no hurry - 25-minute vinyasa to get you on the mat on the days when it's hardest to get there (i.e. the days you