Salutations + Bonus RBG Side Planks – 30 minutes
a stress-relieving, slower take on salutations, with a side plank salute to The Honorable (and Notorious) Ruth Bader Ginsburg. we'd love for you to join us for livestream audio or video
a stress-relieving, slower take on salutations, with a side plank salute to The Honorable (and Notorious) Ruth Bader Ginsburg. we'd love for you to join us for livestream audio or video
this one will wake up your body, calm your mind, and improve your posture
this one starts with aligning your posture for optimal breathing
our livestream SALUTATIONS class gets you moving steadily and breathing well
each year, on Labor Day, we celebrate with SOUL TRAIN JAM. we call it the happiest place on earth
this one starts with centering meditation, moves through a steady flow, focuses in on posture-strengthening skills, and finishes (as always) with deep relaxation. we'd love for you to join us for
every body is welcome to start our online zoom classes anytime
slow it down, smooth it out. yoga helps. we'd loveit if you to joined us for livestream audio or video classes, head to want to support this podcast and help us