FLOW 60: Get Focused
Drishti and mudra are two practices within the practice of yoga that help our modern minds develop focus and presence. Drishti is the act of setting your gaze in a way
Drishti and mudra are two practices within the practice of yoga that help our modern minds develop focus and presence. Drishti is the act of setting your gaze in a way
This one focuses on our floor series, with backbends, twists, and hip openers. Enjoy!
When we ask for requests, hip opening is the most common response. but almost no one requests the standing, warrior-style asanas to get there. However, these are some of the best
This one's gonna get your body moving, your mind quiet, and your spirit feeling really, really good.
You're gonna move your asana in this one
If eagle arms (or stiff shoulders) are your nemesis, this one's for you. If you love eagle, welp, this one's for you, too!
Start strong, stay strong, finish strong. This one is no-frills, no-fluff and so, so good when you want to do a lot of yoga in a little space of time. You'll
No dog poses, chaturangas, or planks in this one