Good Night Yoga – 30 Minutes
a restorative flow to unwind tension in body and mind to get you all set for a good night's sleep.
a restorative flow to unwind tension in body and mind to get you all set for a good night's sleep.
a strong, get-to-the-point flow with variations on sun salutations, lunges, and twists for when you want to clear out the stuff and lively up your Self.
straightforward, steady, and strong. nothing wakes up your full body like a few rounds of sun salutation B
channel restless energy with Sun Salutation B variations that include Warrior 2, Reverse Warrior and Side Angle Pose.
lunging salutations to open up hips, shoulders, and brain space.
a all-purpose flow class with a deep dive into tips and tricks for getting yourself into Bakasana/Crow Pose. if you learn a little, laugh a little or just entertain your
from planks to pasasana (noose pose -- deep squat chair twist), you'll work your core in every direction
ground, center and energize yourself with lunging salutations, surya namaskar a's and b's, and warrior flows. finish off with light back bends and relaxation for an elevating, clarifying practice.
upper back and neck openers, with a side of core body strengthening FTW.