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we're with you


at the center of the three dog yoga practice is the principle that every body (and everybody) belongs here.
through standing, breathing, singing, sweating. and resting together, we recognize our own humanity, and through it, our connection to each other…and to every single other human being on the planet.
our yoga mats are places we go for restoration and relief…a space to process and release the stuff of the world…and also to strengthen our bodies, minds and hearts to take right action out in the world.
and right now, our world needs our action more than ever. we stand with the Black Lives Matter movement campaigns against violence and systemic racism.
in that spirit, June 6+7, we pledged $3 for every body who got on the mat with us to the ACLU’s efforts to demand racial justice and ensure that Constitutional rights — to free speech, to privacy, to due process — don’t just exist on paper, but also in practice.
we had 6 matching pledges and additional donations, bringing our total to more than $2,000. we realize it is a small amount compared to the scale of the work ahead, but it’s what we can do now. and…since yoga is at its core a practice of listening, we are actively listening for ways in which we can support the fight for equal rights for all people everywhere. stay tuned for our next opportunity to contribute.