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equanimity practice: learning to roll with it

equanimity practice: learning to roll with it

equanimity is one of those “yoga words”…a fancy way to say keeping your cool when things get challenging — physically, mentally, and emotionally.

sounds good, right?

so how do we practice that in yoga? by placing ourselves in challenging, but beneficial, postures and watching our reactions.

frustration, overwhelm, anger, judgement, checking-out…these all show up on the yoga mat, just like they do in real life.

eventually, we get good at catching ourselves before we get too far along that path: we take a breath, get grounded, and roll with it.

so, this month, we’ve picked three of our most common challenging postures: tree, camel, and seated straddle fold. we’ll practice at least one in every class…and you’ll get good at responding — instead of reacting — to stress.