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at three dog, we practice breath-centered vinyasa yoga in all our classes. that makes each class an opportunity for moving meditation.

vinyasa yoga helps to facilitate circulation in the body…one of the key elements involved in elevating prana (life energy).

in addition, when we engage in moving meditation we sharpen mental focus, improve agility, and relieve stress.

when you’re first starting — or restarting — a yoga practice, it helps to understand the basic how-to’s of synchronizing breath and movement.

so, this month, we’re focusing on polishing up the postures and transitions we use to create meditation in motion. each class will include a well-rounded practice, with special attention given to the postures and techniques we see over and over again in vinyasa flow.

2.1 – ujjayi breathing

2.2 – half salutation A

2.3 – down dog alignment deep dive

2.4 – stepping backward

2.5 – stepping and hopping forward

2.6 – half salutation B

2.7 – sun salutation A

2.8 – back bend alternatives

2.9 – utkatasana alignment deep dive

2.10 – seated vinyasas

2.11 – utkatasana transitions

2.12 – walking balance

2.13 – warrior 1 alignment deep dive

2.14 – sun salutation B

2.15 – down dog to floor and back again

2.16 – warrior 2 deep dive

2.17 – restorative vinyasa

2.18 – perfect your plank

2.19 –  lunge variations and vocabulary

2.20 – half moon transitions

2.21 – eagle step backs

2.22 – getting to the floor without breaking flow

2.23 – reclined vinyasa / ab series

2.24 – pigeon vinyasa

2.25 – jumping to chaturanga (or not)

2.26 – chaturanga alignment deep dive

2.27 – malasana in flow

2.28 – recentering on ujjayi breath