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…new year, clean slate = a great time to return to (or start with) the basics. yoga practice, like a lot of stuff in life, is founded on really good basics.

think of cooking…a grilled cheese sandwich is simple: bread, butter, cheese. high-quality ingredients and really good skills at the stove take these simple ingredients and turn them into, well, heaven.

(yes, you can use GF/keto/vegan substitutes in this metaphor. you do you.)

this month, we’re focusing in on essential elements of the most common asanas, practices, and concepts you’ll meet on the mat.

here’s the plan:

saturday 1.1 – sun salutations
sunday 1.2 – breathing techniques
monday 1.3 – child’s pose
tuesday 1.4 – downward-facing dog
wednesday 1.5 – standing flow  — how to step it up…and back.
thursday 1.6 – halfway lift
friday 1.7 – supta baddha konasana
saturday 1.8 – salutations recap
sunday 1.9 – spinal action in vinyasa
monday 1.10 – forward folds in flow
tuesday 1.11 – utkatasana + warrior stances
wednesday 1.12 – triangle + pyramid
thursday 1.13 – lunge variations
friday 1.14 – seated straddle + frog
saturday 1.15 – bridge + wheel
sunday 1.16 – hip strength + mobility in vinyasa yoga
monday 1.17 – MLK JAM at 9a – one class, one class only.
tuesday 1.18 – plank + chaturanga variations
wednesday 1.19 – up dog + cobra
thursday 1.20 – twists
friday 1.21 – sukhasana + virasana
saturday 1.22 – side bends
sunday 1.23 – shoulder strength + mobility in vinyasa
monday 1.24 – side-angle pose
tuesday 1.25 – one-legged balance poses (vertical)
wednesday 1.26 – one-legged balance poses (horizontal)
thursday 1.27 – pachimottanasana + janu sirsasana
friday 1.28 – savasana
saturday 1.29 – side planks
sunday 1.30 – abdominal strength + mobility
monday 1.31 – putting it all together

join us from wherever you are with a drop-in pass or a membership…every body welcome. everyday.